Some of the best units have legendary rarity, which makes them both expensive and hard to get. They only have a 0.25% drop rate. But you can always do daily quests to earn more gold with cheaper towers and try to roll again until you get the best S-tier units for your party.
Roblox Omega Tower Defense: S-Tier Units
Ichigo (Shinigami)
The spiritual form of Ichigo has the longest range in the game, and his damage reaches 200 points when maxed out. This is an excellent character for both start and endgame.
He is quite pricey at $900, but it’s totally worth it, taking into account just how good he is both solo and in co-op mode.
Friz (Final Form)
The best AoE attacks belong to Friz due to his burn damage, which can add up to a lot of damage. Although his range is not very high, he is still considered one of the best characters in the game.
This skeletal looking unit is based on Soul King Brook from One Piece anime. This is currently the best supporting character in Omega Tower Defense due to his abilities that can buff the range of his allies, as well as, double up their overall damage output.
Put him in the same team with Friz and watch the game world burn down. These two can do no wrong!
Emma is based on the Bulma character from Dragon Ball anime. She has the special ability to increase your money earnings, which is absolutely essential in this game.
The higher her level is, the more money she will produce for you. So invest in her as much as you can.
A-Tier Units
If you can’t buy Ichigo, then the next best option would be Yowai (Deku), who costs only $600.
This unit has a special type of AoE attack that kills all enemies within a straight line. This powerful attack can help you deal with harder enemies in the early game.
This is actually the rare version of Ichigo, which is another great alternative, if you can’t afford the Shinigami version yet.
His attacks and skills are basically the same, and the only difference is that his damage output is a bit lower.
Friz (First Form)
The cheaper and more affordable version of Friz is not as good as his final form, but it still packs-a-punch.
You can buy him for about $500, and once you level him up he will become one of your best units without a doubt.
This tower is based around freezing AoE abilities that can be very helpful in co-operative gameplay. It allows you to stun your enemies, giving your allies short windows for dealing that extra damage.
Obviously, this isn’t the best choice for solo mode as his own damage isn’t very high.
B-Tier Units
Here is another tower with stun ability, but a tad cheaper than Tasu. Also, Chie has a pretty high damage, so you can use him in solo mode to a good effect.
Unfortunately, his stun damage is targeted, so you can’t really use him in co-op mode as effectively as Tasu.
Ken, on the other hand, is an AoE unit that can be very helpful in the first half of the stages. But later on the maps get narrower, so his abilities won’t help you too much in the latter parts of the game.
Super Utsu
This tower will be a great substitute for Ken in those later stages, where his special line AoEs can be much more useful. His damage isn’t as high as that of Yowai, but he can still do a lot if you level him up properly.
Those are the best characters in Roblox Omega Tower Defense. For more tier list guides and other Roblox related articles, check out our dedicated hub page.