The global financial services industry has long been lucrative and competitive. Financial institutions have employed many strategies to bolster their businesses, such as increasing the number of branches, hiring talented employees, and partnering with other institutions for work.

In recent years, one trend that is changing the face of this billion-dollar industry is robotic process automation (RPA). This automated technology streamlines back-office functions in various ways without human intervention. The following is a comprehensive review of robotic process automation trends and the industry’s direction.

Robotic process automation (RPA) in the banking industry overview

Robotic process automation (RPA) is a technology that automates tasks. It can be used in multiple industries to improve efficiency and reduce labor costs by replacing a human employee. In banking, RPA creates a virtual workforce with no physical presence. This allows banks to have a more efficient and productive workforce without needing costly hiring, training, and office space.

RPA can also help financial institutions automate mundane tasks requiring little skill. Both the development and operation of RPA require highly skilled personnel. There are only a few banks with RPA in their functions, but experts say this technology is here to stay. Many expect the RPA trend to grow as more banks look for cost-efficient ways to streamline and automate their back-office operations.

It is important to note that robotic process automation (RPA) and artificial intelligence (AI) are two different technologies. RPA is a technology that automates existing processes. AI, on the other hand, creates new processes. For instance, in banking, AI can improve customer experience by providing banking customers with personalized service.

Examples of RPA in Banking

Automation helps banks to cut costs and improve revenue growth. Many financial organizations quickly adopt RPA because it reduces hiring and training costs. It also avoids the need for employees to move around in the organization. RPA is a cost-effective technology that allows banks to reap the benefits of automation while meeting their customer demand more effectively.

Mobile banking product development is not limited to back-end operations. It is also already used in customer service, data management, and fraud detection. This is to say that RPA has a significant role in improving customer service while reducing the cost of operations. Banks can use RPA to automate and streamline activities in various areas, such as account management, communication, compliance, and reporting.

Traditional digital transformation initiatives often result in ineffective information systems because they are usually designed based on internal processes instead of user needs. However, RPA in financial services deliver needs tailored to their customers’ needs.

Unlike digital transformation initiatives, RPA is not costly to deploy and does not require extensive employee training. Additionally, RPA can help financial institutions optimize the way they deal with customers and automate back-office tasks that help them do so.

In addition to streamlining back-office operations, RPA can improve customer engagement by providing the necessary tools to make payments. Many banks are already using RPA in their application development efforts because of their ability to provide faster service while minimizing errors.

Smarter RPA bots

The retail industry is putting RPA to work, where robots are helping companies with their customer service needs. These bots are utilized in various ways, such as cleaning up and validating data to generate reports and alerts that allow customers to track their orders.

Rise of AI into RPA

Many banks use artificial intelligence in conjunction with RPA because it allows them to do more without hiring more employees. The combination of RPA and AI can help banks improve their customer service while reducing costs.

Robotic service orchestration

It allows companies to quickly deploy RPA on a large scale to configure them according to the needs of specific departments and business processes. These banking robotic process automation configurations support various tasks, including customer service, human resources, finance, procurement, and trade.

Changes in the job market

Over time, many industries have had to adjust accommodate new technologies. In banking, technological changes have resulted in a need for different skills that are now being explicitly taught to those entering the field of RPA.

RPA is already used in customer service and operations, but the next step is to connect these tools innovatively to improve business operations. This will allow employees to work together to automate back-office tasks that can eliminate manual processes.

Increased adoption

Many banks are using RPA because it can help them achieve business goals while increasing customer satisfaction. In the next five years, experts say there will be increased adoption of RPA by financial institutions as more companies look for cost-effective ways to streamline and automate their back-office operations.

Evolving RPA

The banking industry is expected to see a rise in using artificial intelligence (AI) in RPA. It is creating new processes that can accelerate business operations but more importantly, it is showing banks how to automate tedious tasks.

Better Customer Experience

AI and RPA are creating better customer experiences. AI can differentiate customers by ensuring they receive the right product or service, while RPA can automate back-office processes at scale and improve customer engagement.


RPA is already being used by banks to help them increase efficiency and reduce expenses. It can help financial institutions provide better customer service while streamlining and speeding up business processes. It’s assisting banks to operations so they can do more with less and, ultimately, improve their customer experience. By automating manual, time-consuming tasks, RPA helps make financial services more affordable and accessible to everyone.


Eisele Candace has 7 years of experience as a freelance technical writer, specializing in content related to IT technologies, programming and UI/UX design. Holder of a Master’s degree in Journalism and Public Relations. She has also completed design and programming courses in  “UI / UX design”, iOS and Python in Mansfield, OH.